Author : bryan

Software Engineer

Department of Oncology, Old Road Campus Research Building, Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford The Department of Oncology is seeking a Software Engineer to work in development projects in the Applied Computational Genomics Group. The Medical Sciences Division is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for biomedical and clinical research and teaching. The Department of Oncology, within […]

Creating your personal, portable R code library with GitHub

As I discussed in a previous post, I have a few helper functions I’ve created that I commonly use in my work. Until recently, I manually included these functions at the start of my R scripts by either the tried and true copy-and-paste method, or by extracting them from a local file with the <code>source()</code> […]

Statistical Programmer

The position you are applying for is connected with a large bank initiative called Enterprise Target State Fraud Detection and Monitoring. Treasury Services is the largest wholesale bank in the world; and as a result, you have the rare opportunity to analyze the largest and most important transactional data set in existence anywhere. We use […]

Bioinformatician at OpenAnalytics

OpenAnalytics is an international company providing data analysis services and products across geographies and industrial sectors. We are currently looking to expand our bioinformatics team with a candidate who fits the following profile: Bioinformatician: MSc / PhD in Computational Biology, Computer Science or Bioinformatics A detailed description can be found at Strong R and […]

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