Statistician/Programmer – Rockville location
0 – 2 Years Experience
This position offers collaboration with nationally recognized statisticians within the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, Biostatistics Branch. The division conducts population-based and interdisciplinary research to discover the genetic and environmental determinants of cancer. The biostatistics branch develops statistical methods and data resources to strengthen observational studies, intervention trials, and laboratory investigations of cancer. The Branch also provides information on cancer rates for generating etiologic leads and developing appropriate study designs, and it plans and conducts independent and collaborative descriptive and analytic studies of cancer. High priority is given to methodological issues in genetic epidemiology.
IMS offers statistical and programming support to NCI on many projects. Examples include: the development of cancer risk assessment tools, interactive attributable risk programs, cutting edge development in the analysis of whole genome scans, and methods associated with overcoming issues of measurement risk.
Opportunities exist for collaborative publications and the development of software products which have wide distribution and impact.
Skills required:
* Candidates must have a PhD in statistics or math, plus familiarity with modern biostatistics analysis techniques, and good interpersonal and communication skills
* Knowledge of the R programming language is essential
* Experience with statistical and genetic analytic packages and C/C++ is a plus
* Background in genetic analysis is desirable
For more information and to apply click here.