*Vacancy: Scientific Collaborator in Statistical Bioinformatics*
*Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation**,
Medical University of Graz, Austria*
predoc level with PhD opportunity, 30 hours per week
available from May 1st, 2012
* Working in the project “Biostatistical-genomical analysis of the
clinical relevance of liver cancer models” which is collaborative
research with the Institute of Pathology and part of international
collaborations on metabolic disease-driven hepatocellular cancer
* Statistical analysis of human and mouse arrayCGH data from our
laboratory using R packages
* Application of statistical modelling and statistical (machine)
learning approaches to omics data
* Analysis of time-course or functional data from omics experiments
* Algorithmic and software development in R (Bioconductor)
* Master degree from an accredited university in (bio)statistics,
mathematical or computational biology, bioinformatics with a strong
statistical component or similar
* Experience with the statistical analysis of arrayCGHs and of other
array technologies
* Experience with R and another omics-relevant programming language
* Preferably also experience with R-Forge projects and CRAN submissions
* Excellent command of English when not native
* Basic knowledge of German when not native
*For more information see: *
Enquiries are welcome and should be directed to *Prof. Michael G.
Schimek* per email: michael.schimek@medunigraz.at
*The closing date for the receipt of applications is **March 24th, 2012.*
Prof. Michael G. SCHIMEK, DPhil, PhD
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation
Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 2/V
8036 Graz
Phone: +43 316 385 Ext. 14263 (desk), Ext. 13201 (secretary)
Fax: +43 316 385 13590
E-Mail Office: imi@medunigraz.at
Web: http://www.meduni-graz.at/imi/en/index.php