This post is funded by an MRC Methodology Research Programme grant, entitled ‘Combining epidemiological and phylogenetic models of infectious disease dynamics’. The successful applicant will develop state-of-the-art statistical models to link viral transmission with viral evolution, both within- and between-hosts, with the ultimate aim of inferring quantities such as population sizes and selection pressures on viral populations.
You must have relevant experience in statistics and programming, in particular in R and C/C++, preferably in the use of techniques such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Sequential Monte Carlo, and/or Approximate Bayesian Computation. An interest in public health aspects of infectious disease is preferred. The candidate should have excellent communication skills, both oral and written, and will be expected to publish manuscripts both on the statistical methodology, as well as on accompanying software to journals such as Journal of Statistical Software and The R Journal.
For informal enquiries please email Simon Frost at
Further particulars are available at:
Applicants should supply the following documents:
A letter of application stating areas of interest A full Curriculum Vitae, with the names and contact details of three referees A completed application form CHRIS/6, (parts one and three only) available from the Melissa Large on 01223 337055 or download from:
Applications should be sent for the attention of Miss Melissa Large, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ES to arrive no later than 21st September 2012 . Applications can be made via email to with the above documents as Microsoft Word or PDF attachments.
Start date: Immediately
Limit of Tenure: 3 years
Close date: 21st September 2012.
Interviews will be held on: 12th October 2012.