Job opportunity with World Bank for freelancer R expert with experience in causal inference and data visualization

Apply for this job via “World Bank Group eConsultant2”:

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Assignment Title: 1067014 – Statistical Analyst with Extensive Experience in “R”: Applications for Causal Inference and Visualizing Data


Seeking a short-term consultant with extensive expertise in statistical analysis, specifically “R” expertise for causal inference and visualizing data.

Causal inference refers to propensity score matching, regression discontinuity design, sophisticated regression and diffs-in-diffs, synthetic control methods, etc.

Visualizing data refers to the production of highly customized figures and charts, derived from complex datasets.

PhD or Masters preferred. Prior publication history preferred.
Mastery of “R” required, as is prior experience with at least some of the inferential methods described above. Candidates for the position will be asked to complete a task that tests technical competence.

All applications must go through the World Bank’s “econsult2”.

Job opportunity with World Bank for freelancer R expert with experience in causal inference and data visualization

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