Problem with script compiling

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    Hi guys
    I’m new at R language and I have a script compiling problem.

    I’m trying to compile this script:

    for (i in 1:N)
    {Y[i]~ dbin(theta[i], 1)
    logit(theta[i] <- beta.0+beta.1*X[i]} } beta.0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) beta.1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) or <-exp(beta.1) } ### by typing: > source(“question2bis_code.R”)

    But it gives me this error:

    Error in source(“question2bis_code.R”) :
    question2bis_code.R:7:45: unexpected ‘}’
    {Y[i]~ dbin(theta[i], 1)
    logit(theta[i] <- beta.0+beta.1*X[i]} Why do I get this? Why this error? Thanx


    Hi daveisme,

    What exactly are you trying to do? You usually don’t have to compile code in R. Are you just trying to create and include a function? If so, you probably want something more like this in your included code:

    model_logistic <- function { beta.0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) beta.1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) for (i in 1:N) { Y[i]~ dbin(theta[i], 1) logit(theta[i] <- beta.0+beta.1*X[i] } or <-exp(beta.1) }

    This is just an approximation based on a guess at your goal, but it should help you make some progress.

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