Graphing various scenarios – linear models

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    I’m trying to use output from another specialized analysis program to build graphics in R. I have run maximum likelihood models of survival and selected a fairly complex linear model containing multiple interaction terms as the “best model”. The model incorporates both within and across season (yearly) variation, as well as variation by location. I have parameter estimates and standard errors for all parameters in the model. I want to be able to now use those estimates to build graphics under various scenarios.

    For example, I might want to look simply at changing daily survival (within season) in a particularly good, bad, or average year, and how it varies by population location. Or I might want to estimate how survival varies yearly by population on various dates of the year.

    Can anyone point me in a beginning direction? I basically want to input the parameter estimates, and then set up various scenarios for R to generate the output.

    Thanks for any suggestions or help,


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