adding labels to x,y points

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    I am new to R.

    I have a dataframe that I have assigned to the object “colon”.

    > colon<-read.table("c:\\alon.txt",header=T,row.names=1) attach(colon) names(colon) It (i.e. colon) consists of 62 different columns (samples) or sets of data. Each of the 62 columns (titled norm1, norm2, norm3, etc) has 2000 different numbers (‘continuous’ values) within it. I have also assigned a name for each of the 2000 rows of the dataframe with a prefix (i.e. g1 …. g2000). > colon<-paste("g",c(1:nrow(colon)),sep="") I have plotted the first 20 values from two of the columns(samples). > x<-c(norm1[1:20]) > y<-c(norm2[1:20]) > plot(x,y,type=’n’,xlab=’x norm1 sample’,ylab=’y norm2 sample’,main=’Norm1 vs Norm2 – 20

    > points(x,y,pch=15,col=’blue’)

    Now I wish to assign labels to each point (above each point (i.e. pos=3) in the plot with “g1 to g20 corresponding to each row but I am having trouble with this step.

    I have tried:

    > text(x,y, label = row.names(colon[1:20]))

    but nothing happens.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance


    Hi baumeist,

    A couple of recommendations:

    First, I would not use the attach command. It makes things a little more difficult in the long run than just using direct references to the variables (e.g., colon$norm1).

    Second, when you do this


    you're creating an object with the same name as your attached data object. That is potentially confusing and could cause problems. Better to create something with a different name.

    However, I think your main problem is that you're using row.names() in the "labels = attribute" of the text() function when you don't need to. The "colon" object your creating is just a vector with no row.names attribute. Try dropping that and see if you get what you want.


    Thanks a lot, Bryan.


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