When people consider filters in programming any language, the majority of people seem to believe they only need to find information. Look at online questions, and it seems few even consider that there are ways to remove information that is not needed, or that this is a valid approach. Removing information unneeded can make a search far more refined, which could show a more complete picture that could be missed with just picking out specific areas to see. The function Not In is the one that people would use in the R language to remove the unneeded parts.
Packages Necessary
While there is no manner to do a weeding out search in the base R people use, there are several packages with functionality to change this. Tidyverse has several ways to manipulate data to get this needed functionality, specifically with both purrr and dplyr. Hmisc has %nin%, which works well with the other methods of data manipulation available. The roperators package has the %ni% function, which is a straight version. There are multiple packages, and it will be what personal taste that someone has in how to handle the data search. Overall package usability should decide matters.
Negate Issue
If a person decides to go with the Tidyverse option, or just gets the two specific packages of dplyr and purrr, which they will need to use negate and filter to get what they want. Basically, the programmer will need to create an entirely new function via the tools that are available, which is why using all of Tidyverse instead of the two minor packages may get everything done in a more concise way. The r data frame manipulation may take more functions to get there, but this is a personal preference in what people use to get manipulation.
The ! is something that can manipulate how a logical vector is seen.
Data[, !text(data) %in% c(“textname”, “column”))]
Negate is a little different.
%ni% ← Negate(%in%)
Understanding Data
Data science is about understanding mass amounts of data and then turn it into a usable form that other people can understand for their use. Looking at each column or row can become a headache, which is why there need to be programs to look at specific data or get rid of what is making the picture cloudy. This can mean that ! is used in an operator to make true false or false true, or a data scientist may consider the functions that are not in or create the environment without specifically calling it by that name.
Mindset Change
As seen by the fact that R does not have a way to remove data in a filter without manipulating some things, it can reinforce the way most people look at searches. Most people will only look for specific data when setting up a filter, even when doing a simple boolean for Google searches. When dealing with mass amounts of data, removing data that will not be of use narrows the amount of searching that needs to be done. This only takes it away for the specific instance and can make a picture the data provides much clearer.
Vector Understanding
There are different projects that can take a programmer months or years in R, such as card games or sports data for helping teams. This can cause someone to look at each vector in a different way, even though something like a logical vector can seem to defy this idea. Atomic vectors never change definition, but how someone understands them in a manipulation standpoint can make people think of them in a smaller, lager, or other different context that a student or specialist would. Card games make true false different from something that works to understand astrophysics.
Lost Data
Another way that getting rid of data can help is by locating a missing value, so the person will need to construct their operation to help with this. Someone who is trying to understand the information of customer information could use this to find missing information that could be the way to handle their business better. It could also be values in science experiments that could reshape the understanding of the way atoms interact. Removing data in a search can mean finding where the values are not present and can help with all of these problems when they come up.
The interesting fact of programming is that people can get in a rut when they work on projects for long periods of time. This can cause them to not think of ways that could help them if they switch what industries they work with. Students get the mindset of who they learn from, so there can be tips and tricks that are missed. Weeding out data that is not needed is one of those things that turn into being a mindset case, as most filters are about finding specific information when looking into tutorials. The culling is more about personal preferences when doing the manipulation.