We are looking for a statistician or quantitative scientist to join Dragonfly Science in a full-time position based in Wellington, New Zealand. Dragonfly Science is an applied statistical consultancy, and our current work includes Bayesian estimation of the bycatch of seabirds and marine mammals in fisheries; quantitative assessment of the risk to seabirds from fisheries; and analysis of fine-scale catch-effort data on the New Zealand paua fishery. Initially, your work would be on one of these projects, however we welcome applications from people with experience of applied statistical analysis in other subject areas.
We work with an open source tool chain, including Linux, R, JAGS, Postgresql, Python, Django, and Latex. Previous experience with these tools would be an advantage.
A job description and instructions are available at http://www.dragonfly.co.nz/vacancy.html
Applications close on January 31, 2012.