New to R – Need help

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    I have a CSV file with data I would like R to read into memory and be able to run some functions and plot some of this data in certain ways. I have read but can not find how to use csv or excel or other files with R


    Hi RCinLB,

    You’ll want to start by looking at the read.csv function help by typing


    (without the “>”) at the R prompt.

    If you have trouble interpreting the help, just post what you’re having difficult with.



    I am trying to figure out how best to go about this:

    I have a set of columns (A) that correspond with locations, each of which contain unique identification codes, and another set of columns(B) that contain codes from transects from within A’s locations.

    I want to be able to see if the codes in B have strayed from their original A-locations and where they are now. I will most likely end up lumping my transects together so they end up in columns of the same location names as set A, but was interested to see if there’s a way to see movement with the transects and/or whole locations.

    Hopefully that makes sense…

    I have a basic understanding of R, but still haven’t learned what a lot of the fuctions or actions are actually called, so asking for help is even more difficult. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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